Remember Ryan

Remember Ryan

Thursday, July 14, 2016

10 years.....and still no definitive answers.  

Ryan was bright, adventurous, and friendly, even though he could be rather impulsive and impressionable sometimes.  He passionately loved his daughter, was there for his friends, he helped people when he could, and he loved animals, especially cats.  Why someone would take his life so brutally is unthinkable.

My oldest son Randy put together this wonderful video tribute to Ryan.  It's not long and he put his heart and soul into it.  Please watch.

After this many years some will say "Well it's about time to get over it."  Anyone who says something like that has never lost a son or daughter, especially to murder.  If you lose your arm or leg, you will recover and get back to a life, yes, but it will never be the same as the life you had before.  An important part of you is missing. That's close to what it is like.

I have accepted Ryan's death and that he is never coming back, but I will never rest until his killers are brought to justice.  The thugs that attacked him have a false sense of security if they think that we will just let this go away.  I'm not giving up and I'm NOT going away.  They messed with the wrong Mama.