Remember Ryan

Remember Ryan

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Today is the 14th anniversary of Ryan's death.  I still cannot think about the hell he must have gone through that night without crying, nor can I think about his attackers without anger and disgust at the wasted, destructive lives they lead. 

The past few months have been full of constant news reports about COVID-19, wearing masks, accusations of police brutality, peaceful protests, violent protests, massive vandalism, fires, looting, and many murders committed in  the name of George Floyd and funded by people who want to destroy our country and our economy for political reasons.  

People are carrying signs saying Black Lives Matter....while blacks continue to kill each other and their children in Chicago and other places at a frightening rate.  If you dare to carry a sign saying anything else, such as Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter, you will be attacked and maybe even killed for it by some of these same people.   

Well I have news for all of you anarchists, criminals, thugs, Antifa, etc. 

                                   RYAN'S LIFE MATTERED  

Ryan was not racist.  He had black friends and would defend them against others. He helped people.  He cared about people. 

Before he died he was able to tell the police that it was two black males who attacked him.  They STILL have not been arrested for his murder, but if they think we aren't watching and keeping track of them, they are WRONG.  Until they do the right thing and confess, they'd better continue to watch over their shoulders because we aren't going away.  

I miss you Ryan.  😢

Remember Ryan