Just ran across this on Facebook. Those of us dealing with this pain will certainly identify with it. 💔💔💔
Dedicated to my son, who I will miss til the day I die.
Remember Ryan
Monday, October 31, 2022
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Ryan would have been 39 today if his life hadn't been stolen. Visited him yesterday at the cemetery and right on cue, "Baker's Street" came on the radio.
A couple of weeks ago the flowers I had on his headstone disappeared. I don't know why someone would do that. It was so pretty and was the first flower arrangement I was able to make since my major surgery and illnesses last year. 😪 There are other flowers there now.
Meanwhile, not a word from CPD about his case so I'm assuming they haven't looked at his case since I prompted them to last year. It's looking more and more like there will be no justice in what time I have left on earth.
All I have are memories.... This is from Halloween 1988 in Arizona. His cousin Jenny on the left is gone now too. 😠We miss them both terribly.